Pakistan Average Monthly Salary Ranking Average After Tax 2023

Pakistan is a country located in South Asia, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and growing economy. One of the key indicators of a country’s economic well-being is the average monthly salary earned by its citizens. In this article, we will explore the ranking of Pakistan’s average monthly salary after tax for the year 2023.

According to the World of Statistics, report 2023 Pakistan ranked in 105th Position for Average Monthly Salary with 135$ per month.

Pakistan Average Monthly Salary Ranking Average After Tax 2023

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Pakistan Average Monthly Salary Ranking Average After Tax 2023

Factors Affecting Average Monthly Salary in Pakistan

There are several factors that influence the average monthly salary in Pakistan. Some of the key factors include:

  1. Education and Experience: Employees with higher education levels and more experience tend to earn higher salaries in Pakistan.
  2. Industry: Certain industries such as IT, finance, and healthcare tend to offer higher salaries compared to others.
  3. Location: Salaries may vary depending on the city or region in Pakistan, with major cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad often offering higher salaries compared to smaller towns.
  4. Inflation and Cost of Living: Economic factors such as inflation and the cost of living in Pakistan can impact the average monthly salary.


In conclusion, Pakistan’s average monthly salary after tax ranks in the middle compared to other countries around the world. While it may not be among the top-ranking countries in terms of average monthly salary, it is important to consider the country’s economic development and cost of living. Factors such as education, experience, industry, location, and economic conditions play a significant role in determining the average monthly salary in Pakistan. It is essential to keep these factors in mind while evaluating salary prospects in the country.

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