Fidya of Roza Rate in Pakistan 2023: Sadqa e Fitr

Current Fidya of Roza Rate in Pakistan in Ramadan: Fidya or Sadqa e Fitr is an important aspect of Islamic jurisprudence. It is a form of compensation that is paid to those who cannot fast during the month of Ramadan due to illness or any other valid reason.

The fidya rate in Pakistan for 2023 has been a topic of interest for many people. In this article, we will explore the fidya rate in Pakistan for the year 2023, its calculation, and its importance in Islam.

What is Fidya?

Fidya is a form of compensation that is paid to those who cannot fast during the month of Ramadan due to illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or any other valid reason. The purpose of fidya is to provide food for the needy or to feed a person for each day of missed fasting.

fidya rate in pakistan 2023
Fidya rate in Pakistan 2023

It is an alternative to fasting for those who are unable to fast. The fidya rate is calculated based on the price of 1.6 kilograms of wheat or its equivalent in cash.

Also Read: Ramadan k Pehle, Dosray, Teesray Ashry ki Dua

Fidya of Roza Rate in Pakistan 2023

The fidya rate in Pakistan for the year 2023 has been set at PKR 250 per day. This means that for each day of missed fasting, a person will have to pay PKR 250 as fidya. The rate has been set by the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee in Pakistan after consultation with Islamic scholars.

Type of FidyaFidya Rate for 2023
Missed FastsPKR 250 per day
fidya rate in Pakistan 2023

Calculation of Fidya

The fidya rate is calculated based on the price of 1.6 kilograms of wheat or its equivalent in cash. In Pakistan, the price of 1.6 kilograms of wheat is PKR 250. Therefore, the fidya rate in Pakistan for 2023 has been set at PKR 250 per day.

Importance of Sadqa e Fitr in Islam

Fidya is an important aspect of Islamic jurisprudence. It provides an alternative to fasting for those who are unable to fast due to illness or any other valid reason. It also serves as a means of providing food for the needy. Fidya is considered a form of charity and is highly recommended in Islam. The payment of fidya is a way of fulfilling one’s religious obligations and seeking forgiveness from Allah.


In conclusion, the fidya rate in Pakistan for the year 2023 has been set at PKR 250 per day. Fidya is an important aspect of Islamic jurisprudence and provides an alternative to fasting for those who are unable to fast. It is also a means of providing food for the needy and is considered a form of charity in Islam. The payment of fidya is a way of fulfilling one’s religious obligations and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

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