Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam In Quran

Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam

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Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam in Quran with Urdu English Translation. Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam is a special prayer that Muslims recite on the night of the 15th of Shaban. This night is also known as Laylatul Baraat or Shab-e-Baraat. It is a night of great importance and significance in Islamic culture, and Muslims all over the world observe it with great devotion and reverence.

In this article, we will discuss the significance and benefits of Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam and how it is recited.

How to Recite Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam?

Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam is a simple prayer that can be recited by anyone. The prayer is as follows:

How to Recite Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam?

Translation: O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, protect me, provide for me, guide me, and grant me sustenance and success.

Significance of Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam

The night of the 15th Shaban is considered one of the most significant nights in Islamic culture. It is believed that on this night, Allah (SWT) decides the fate and destiny of every individual for the coming year. Muslims all over the world, therefore, observe this night with great devotion and perform various acts of worship and supplication.

Also Read: Shab e Barat Wazaif in Urdu

ادب ليلة النصف من شهر شعبان
ادب الطريقة
قراءة يس ثلاث مرات، المرة الاولى بنية طول العمر بالإسلام والإيمان، والمرة الثانية بنية دفع البلاء عنه وعن الامة المحمدية ، والمرة الثلاثة بنية الرزق والإستغناء عن الناس
و بعد كل مرة تدعوا بهذا الدعاء:
اللهم يا ذا المن لا يمن عليه احد يا ذا الجلال والإكرام يا ذا الطول والأنعام، لا إله إلا أنتَ ظهر اللاجئين وجار المستجيرين وامان الخائفين اللهم ان كنت كتبتني عندك في ام الكتاب شقيا أو محروما أو مطرودا أو مقترا عليّ من الرزق فامح اللهم بفضلك شقاوتي وحرماني وطردي واقتار رزقي وثبتني عندك في ام الكتاب سعيدا ومرزوقا للخيرات فانكَ قلت وقولك الحق في كتابك المنزل على لسان نبيك المرسل يمحوا الله ما يشاء ويثبت وعنده ام الكتاب. إلهي بالتجلي الأعظم في ليلة النصف من شهر شعبان المعظم المكرم التي يفرق فيها كل امر حكيم ويبرم ان تكشف عنا من البلاء ما نعلم وما لا نعلم وما أنتَ به اعلم إنكَ أنتَ الأعز الاكرم. وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم.

One of the most significant acts of worship performed on this night is the recitation of Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam. This prayer is believed to have immense spiritual benefits and is said to bring peace, blessings, and prosperity to the life of the reciter.

Also Read: Dua For Parents Health And Long Life In Quran

Benefits of Reciting Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam

There are numerous benefits of reciting Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam. Some of the most significant benefits are:

  1. Protection from calamities and disasters: Reciting this prayer on the night of the 15th Shaban is believed to protect the reciter from all kinds of calamities and disasters.
  2. Forgiveness of sins: It is believed that reciting Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam on this night brings forgiveness of sins and helps one to attain purity of the heart.
  3. Fulfillment of needs: This prayer is said to fulfill the needs and desires of the reciter and bring prosperity and success in all aspects of life.
  4. Protection from evil: Reciting this prayer is believed to protect the reciter from all kinds of evil and negative energies.

Also Read: Nazar Utarne Ki Dua: In Quran Aur Tariqa In Urdu

Also Read: Shab e Barat Nawafil Ka Tarika in Urdu

To make it easier to understand and follow, here is a table that shows the Arabic text, transliteration, and English translation of the prayer:

Arabic TextTransliterationEnglish Translation
اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِيْAllahumma-ghfirliO Allah, forgive me
وَارْحَمْنِيْWarhamniHave mercy on me
وَاجْبُرْنِيْWajburniProtect me
وَارْزُقْنِيْWarzuqniProvide for me
وَاهْدِنِيْWahdiniGuide me
وَسَدِّدْنِيْWassaddidniGrant me sustenance and success


Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam is a special prayer that Muslims recite on the night of the 15th Shaban. It is a prayer that brings immense spiritual benefits and is believed to bring protection from calamities and disasters, the forgiveness of sins, fulfillment of needs, and protection from evil.

Reciting this prayer is simple and easy, and it can be recited by anyone. It is important to understand the significance of this prayer and recite it with devotion and sincerity to benefit from its blessings.

In conclusion, the night of the 15th Shaban is a significant night in Islamic culture, and Muslims all over the world observe it with great reverence and devotion. Reciting Dua Nisf Shaban Ul Muazzam on this night is a powerful act of worship that brings numerous spiritual benefits and helps one to attain purity of heart, success, and prosperity in life.

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