Daily DAWN News Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning (29 June 2021)

Vacillate (verb) غیر مستقل، ڈھلنا، لڑکھڑانا

waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive.
Example: “I vacillated between teaching and journalism”
Synonyms: dither, be indecisive, be irresolute, be undecided, be uncertain, be unsure, be doubtful
Antonyms: resolute

Perplex (verb) پیچیدہ بنانا، الجھانا

make (someone) feel completely baffled.
Example: “she was perplexed by her husband’s moodiness”
Synonyms: puzzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, bewilder, confound, confuse, nonplus, disconcert
Antonyms: abbreviate, cut, shorten

Reciprocate (verb) بات برابر کرنا، بدلہ دینا، جواب دینا

respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.
Example: “the favour was reciprocated”
Synonyms: do the same (in return), respond in kind, return the favour, give as good as one gets, give tit for tat
Antonyms: ask, disagree, keep, question

Erode (verb) کاٹ دینا، ختم کر دینا، کم ہونا

(of wind, water, or other natural agents) gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land).
Example: “the cliffs on this coast have been eroded by the sea”
Synonyms: wear away/down, abrade, scrape away, grind down, crumble, dissolve, weather
Antonyms: build, ignore, neglect, preserve

Flak (noun) سخت تنقید، اشتہاری ایجنٹ

strong criticism.
Example: “you must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong”
Synonyms: criticism, censure, disapproval, disapprobation, hostility, complaints, castigation, condemnation
Antonyms: approval, commendation, compliment, endorsement

Depreciate (verb) فرسودگی، گھٹنا، استعمال ہونے کی وجہ سے قدروقیمت کم ہونا

diminish in value over a period of time.
Example: “the latest cars will depreciate heavily in the first year”
Synonyms: decrease in value, lose value, decline in price, drop in price, fall in price, cheapen, devalue
Antonyms: appreciate

Diminish (verb) کم ہونا، گھٹانا، کم کرنا

make or become less.
Example: “the new law is expected to diminish the government’s chances”
Synonyms: decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract, grow smaller, fall off, drop off
Antonyms: increase, flare up, get worse

Alleviate (verb) شدت کم کرنا، درد کم کرنا، آرام دینا

make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
Example: “he couldn’t prevent her pain, only alleviate it”
Synonyms: reduce, ease, relieve, take the edge off, deaden, dull, diminish, lessen, weaken
Antonyms: aggravate

Compulsion (noun) مجبوری کے تحت، دباﺅ

the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.
Example: “the payment was made under compulsion”
Synonyms: obligation, constraint, force, coercion, duress, pressure, pressurization
Antonyms: discretion, spontaneity, volition, election

Necessitate (verb) ضرورت ہونا، لازمی کرنا، ضرورت بنانا

make (something) necessary as a result or consequence.
Example: “a cut which necessitated eighteen stitches”
Synonyms: make necessary, entail, involve, mean, require, demand, call for, be grounds for
Antonyms: give, offer, delay, dissuade, refuse, reply

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