(PDF) Try Again Summary 10th Class with Quotations

(PDF) Try Again Summary 10th Class with Quotations download by Preparation Point Team.

(PDF) Try Again Summary 10th Class with Quotations

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Central Idea of Poerm Try Again

The main idea of the poem is that no matter whatever problem you never despair. Always try to solve the problem by trying again and again, until you finally succeed.

Poem “Try Again” Summary – 10th Class English by Nauman Sadaf.

Summary of the Poem by W. E. Hickson, “Try Again”

Try Again is a  poem written by W. E. Hickson and is included in the syllabus of the 10th class in Punjab Educational Boards. “Try Again” is the 3rd unit/chapter of the 10th Class English Text-Book prescribed by Punjab Curriculum Textbook Board, Lahore.

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  • Poem: “Try Again”
  • Class: 10th (10th Class English)
  • Unit No. 03

“Try Again” – Summary

(Easy Version – Summary of the poem “Try Again”)

“Try Again” is written by W.E. Hickson. The poem teaches us a lesson of trying again and again.

The poet says that we should not give up trying again and again. It is the only key to success. The message of the poem is universal. If we fail to get our goal, we should not lose heart. We shall succeed if we continue trying again and again. A person fails only when he admits that he has failed. It takes time to learn. We should not be worried about failure. Failure is a good teacher. Failure is not a disgrace because we learn from our mistakes. In this way, we try again and succeed. We should keep on trying until we succeed.

The language of the poem is simple but the message of the poem is unique. In short, ‘try again’ is the golden rule to succeed.

(Standard Version of the summary of the poem “Try Again”)

Try Again Summary 10th Class with Quotations

“Try again: you have millions of alternatives. Fill yourself with the bullets of hope and you will kill failure with one shot.”

“Try Again” is written by W.E. Hickson. The poem teaches us a lesson of trying again and again. The poet says that we should not give up trying again and again. It is the only key to success. The message of the poem is universal. If we fail to get our goal, we should not lose heart. We shall succeed if we continue trying again and again. Remember, a person fails only when he admits that he has failed. It takes time to learn.

The poet is of the view that when the world says, “Give up”, hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. So, we should keep up trying again and again to cross this road. We should not be worried about failure. Failure is a good teacher. Failure is not a disgrace because we learn from our mistakes. In this way, we try again and succeed. That is why we should keep on trying until we succeed.

“To succeed, you must never stop trying.”

The language of the poem is simple but the message of the poem is unique and thought-provoking. In short, ‘try again’ is the golden rule to succeed.

Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything.

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